Squirrels are about 17 to 27 inches long with a rodent-like body and large bushy tail. Their color is greyish or reddish brown with a paler belly depending on the species. The most common squirrels in Wisconsin are the fox squirrel, ground squirrel, and American red squirrel.
Most often squirrels stay outdoors. If you find them in your home or scratching in your attic or crawl space they are in search of food and warmth and will begin to nest.
Squirrels have a very destructive behavior. If they gnaw through insulation, wiring, or structures they can cause a number of problems within your home. Squirrels can also contaminate food if they come into contact with it
The best way to get rid of squirrels is to hire a professional. The pest control technician will know the safest way to rid the squirrels and their nests from your home, and prevent more from coming in.
You’ll want to make sure all potential entrances to your home are sealed off. Technicians know common routes squirrels take and can make professional recommendations on home improvements to prevent squirrels.

Your Squirrel Control & Exclusion Partner
Signs that you could have a squirrel problem in your house:
Squirrels are active creatures that are capable of doing severe damage to your home. They are excellent climbers, can chew through all types of materials and can enter through the smallest openings in order to make way into your home.
Due to their harmful activity, squirrels have the ability to do a large amount of damage to your property. They are especially prone to chewing through wood, plastic, sheet metal, insulation and electrical lines.
If you are in need of a squirrel exterminator, we offer a range of residential and commercial services to ensure that your home or your business is pest-free. We are a pest control company that is committed to removing pests and unwanted visitors from your home.
Both red and grey squirrels enjoy getting into things, especially the attic. If you start hearing scraping or rubbing sounds early in the morning, there is a good chance you may have squirrels in your attic. Their gnawing can allow them access inside your home, as they can easily crawl through small openings. Once they have gained access, they will continue to chew on anything in sight. Not only do these squirrels cause damage in your attic, but they can also carry various diseases in their waste.
Flying squirrels are small, agile and love wooded areas. They have the ability to glide through air between trees, and can do this up to 100 feet from a tree to your home. These animals are nocturnal and travel in groups, so if you hear continuous scrambling noises from above, you most likely have a group of flying squirrels in your attic. This can result in a havoc in your attic space if they go unnoticed.
Problems Winter Squirrels
You’ve probably noticed that we have squirrels. Do we have squirrels. They’re everywhere! Usually, that’s not a problem. In fact, it’s kinda fun seeing them playing in the yard, scrambling up trees or eating an acorn on the railing of the back deck. Wildlife brings life to the nature outside our homes. But, when they start to become a problem, they are a hassle few of us have time to deal with. And winter is a common time for them to become a problem
If They Are Cold, Let Them In… No
On a cold, blustery day, we humans enjoy going into our temperature-controlled homes and being greeted by the warmth. Before we even get to the door, we’re already thinking about it. We might even have in mind exactly how we’ll take advantage of that heat, such as putting our mittened hands on the radiator in the entranceway, hovering over the wood stove in the kitchen, or standing in front of the fireplace in the living room. Squirrels don’t have these ideas on their mind. They don’t know how wonderful and warm it is inside your home, until they happen to go by a current of heat escaping from the roofline of your home. When they do, it is usually more than enough incentive for them to try and chew their way in and take advantage of that heat.
Once squirrels have gotten in, there are many ways they can be a problem all through the winter months. Here are just a few of them:
Squirrels don’t stay in your attic. They go in and out of whatever hole they’ve created and search outside for food. This can increase the damage they did getting into your home and give more opportunity for water to get in. This can lead to fungus, mold, and other water issues within your walls.
Squirrels create nests in attic spaces. The materials they use to create those nests are usually found right inside your home. They rip up insulation, tear drywall, and damage other building materials.
Squirrels may use boxes as a location to nest. The cardboard of a box can be used for nesting material or the boxes themselves can be a nesting location. Either way, squirrels can damage items you have in storage as they make themselves at home. If you have precious keepsakes in your stored boxes, those items could be damaged beyond repair.
Wildlife don’t go outside to use the restroom. When squirrels get into your home, they will do their business everywhere they roam. That can be an issue as their feces and urine can have harmful bacteria and diseases.
Squirrels bring company. While it is certainly bad to have a squirrel in your home, what they bring in with them is even worse. If a squirrel is infested with ticks, fleas, mites, or some other ectoparasite, those parasites could infest your home. The diseases associated with ectoparasites is long and scary. They can spread disease, alpha-gal allergy, spotted fever, tularemia, plague, and more. These can lead to damaged internal organs, human mortality, and lifelong health complications. The risks are dependant on many factors that are too long to cover. Reasonable caution is the best course of action when dealing with wild animals and the parasites they can carry.
Squirrel attacks. This might sound amusing but being attacked by a squirrel is anything but amusing. Outside your home, squirrels are mostly docile creatures that will flee when you get too close. But a trapped or terrified squirrel can become aggressive. A momma squirrel is even more aggressive. It is never a good idea to be in a closed room with a scared squirrel.
What Should I Do?
When squirrels get in, it is best to have them removed by a licensed and experienced wildlife control professional. There are many things that can go wrong. A professional will make sure the proper equipment and methods are used to humanely extract the animal and deal with decontamination issues and secondary pest threats. Most importantly, they’ll help you prevent future infestation.
Tips for Choosing the Right Pest Control Company
Pests are a nuisance. Although they are a common problem in many homes and commercial buildings, they are a serious problem. Not only do pests disrupt your comfort but they can also carry various contagious diseases.
While you may want to get rid of a pest infestation the moment you’ve discovered the problem, it is crucial that you take time to find a reputable pest control company. With so many pest control companies to choose from, how will you find the right one?
Year of experience
Before you hire a pest control company, see that they have been operating the business for at least a few years. Also, check to see that there haven’t been any complaints filed or investigations launched against them.
Membership with professional pest management bodies
In your search for a pest control company, look for one that is a member of professional bodies that monitor industry standards. Companies that are members of such organization will use methods that pose minimal risk to your health and the environment as they operate within strict regulatory guidelines. You can rest assured that such a company will provide safe and effective services.
Licence and certification
Do not hire a pest control company if the company is not certified and licenced. Since such documentation is only valid for a specific period, ensure that the company and its workers have current licences and certification and that they have up-to-date knowledge of regulations, products and techniques. Ensure the company is covered by liability insurance as well

Squirrel Removal
If you’re looking for a squirrel removal company in the area, we’re the ones for you. Whether or not you think the squirrels are a problem, they truly do need to go. They may seem harmless, but if you let the squirrels stay, important parts of your home could be.
What do squirrels do?
We get it, squirrels can look cute. But, there’s a reason that your dog is barking at them! They move really fast, and sure, they’re entertaining to a dog. However, your dog’s job is to protect your home. So, when your dog sees a squirrel, think of them protecting your home. Look, we love dogs. We wish our dogs could be the one thing that gets rid of squirrels. Unfortunately, they aren’t.
You may think that squirrels are annoying, but let’s dig into why they are much more than annoying and bordering on very harmful. First of all, squirrels like to eat. They see your home and garden and think it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet. They’ll start with your plants. You know those gorgeous plants you’ve been tending to? Consider them the filet mignon for squirrels. A squirrel has no issue with eating all of your beautiful plants and flowers in your garden.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. When you have just one squirrel, it’s just a few plants. Still, squirrels like other squirrels. Soon enough, they’ll have babies, and then you have a squirrel hotel happening right in your backyard. Not only will they hit your plants and flowers, but say goodbye to seeds, fruits, vegetables, or anything else you’ve got in your yard.
Squirrel removal from your attic
Once they’ve made their way through your plants, they need to find a place to rest. Say hello to the squirrel nest. Didn’t know squirrels nest? Well, that’s because you probably haven’t seen their nest before. Do you know where their favorite place to nest is? Your attic!