Cockroaches are well known for spreading disease and are associated with various other health risks. Exposure to this insect could put you at risk of Salmonella, Dysentery & Gastro-enteritis. Increases in eczema and childhood asthma have even been linked to cockroach droppings.
Cockroach Control Solutions
As the experts in cockroach control, we can provide professional, targeted treatment methods for your home or business.
A quick response at the very first signs of an infestation is often essential to control cockroaches in your home and to prevent the spread of this pest to your neighbours.
Their ability to breed rapidly and their resilience means that a professional service is usually the most reliable form of control. Only expert solutions are powerful enough to eliminate all stages of their lifecycle.

Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of Cockroaches
Cockroaches are the most unpleasant and disgusting creatures that can be found in the house. Your first thought when you see roaches in house is how to get rid of roaches forever and ever! The roach infestation can be the scariest thing happening to any house
The roach infestation is a sign of unsanitary conditions and dirt, and it causes unpleasant impressions of the premises. After all, you must admit that it does not matter how beautiful and clean the kitchen is, the creeping cockroach immediately changes the impression from what you see and signals you on roach problems in the house. But no one is immune to the roach infestation.
What are cockroaches?
Cockroaches are the most common insects, numbering more than 5 thousand species of different roaches. Their ability to adapt to any situation allows them to survive under the most inappropriate conditions. Scientists suggest that roaches can survive even a nuclear explosion. This fact makes them invulnerable and leaves us so little chance to get rid of roaches.
Cockroaches prefer warm and humid places. They are nocturnal insects. Roaches hide in secluded places during the day. Therefore, you can detect them at night. If you turn on the light, you will see roaches running through the cracks. Cockroaches are very mobile insects. They run fast and sometimes you cannot swat them.
What harm do roaches cause?
In addition to their unpleasant, frightening and hideous appearance, cockroaches cause tangible harm in the house. So that the question how to get rid of roaches becomes vital.

A How-To Guide on Controlling Cockroaches at Home
Have you ever wandered into the kitchen for a late-night snack, only to scream in horror as you glimpse a cockroach stealing away into another room? If so, you’ll probably want to know what you can do to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
What Do I Need to Know About Cockroaches?
Why are cockroaches so ubiquitous? What is unique about them?
Cockroaches are omnivorous. Their ability to eat any food source makes almost any locale a potential feeding site. Although members of the order Blattodea (the scientific name for cockroaches) are found worldwide, individual families within this order are segregated into different regions that they’re best suited for. Other insect orders are similar in nature. Take Diptera for instance—flies and mosquitoes are just as widespread.
How prevalent are different types of cockroaches in the North versus the South?
German cockroaches are found in both regions because they prefer indoor habitats. American cockroaches are found in both regions because they prefer the warm, moist conditions found in storm drains and utility tunnels. Exterior-dwelling roaches, like the Surinam or Australian cockroaches, are more prevalent in southern regions due to the warmer habitats.
How can a homeowner tell the difference between a rogue cockroach here or there and a legitimate problem that requires further action?
Population density and the specific species will determine the best and most economical form of treatment. It’s normal for one or two American or Smokybrown cockroaches to enter a structure now and then and not be a problem. They prefer to live outside the home environment, so if you see one or two of them, it’s normally an accidental invasion into the home.
How Do You Get Rid of Cockroaches?
What preventative measures/practices can a homeowner employ to help a cockroach-free home stay that way?
Sanitation is the key! A breadcrumb dropped behind a stove can feed roaches for weeks. Add to this grease splatter from frying, other tiny bits of food that children drop, and the availability of water in a kitchen, and you have a perfect habitat for roach rearing.

Effective Tips for Cockroach Control In Orange County Landscaping
When you have too many cockroaches in your home, then definitely it becomes hard for you to even stay in your home for one day. You have to either look for techniques for cockroach control, or you might even start planning to move to a new home. Mostly those houses that are located close to some greenery fields or forests will experience maximum numbers of cockroaches in their kitchen sink areas, bathrooms or even in outdoor Orange County Landscaping garden areas.
Cockroaches are so tiny in size that they can easily slip through a small space of 1.6mm, as well. Young cockroaches need around 0.5mm of the area to enter your home. Just observe them for a second, and you will be surprised to see how much experience they have in slipping inside your homes. A surprising fact about cockroaches is that they can hold their breath for a maximum of 40 minutes. WOW!
Which places in your home do cockroaches love the most?
If your house has some dirty and filthy areas, then get ready to encounter cockroaches right there. Cockroaches are fond of slipping inside those areas of the home, which are unhygienic and have massive dirty mud. This is for the reason that they are mostly found in the garden areas or the fence. Cockroaches love to slip in wet mud after rain. Above all, the kitchen is the top favorite locations for cockroaches. Therefore, it is always recommended to cover your food items with sealed plastic sheets. Plus, you should never allow any extra water to be collected in your sink. This is a welcome invitation for cockroaches to thrive in your kitchen. Be careful with it!
Essential tips to follow to get rid of cockroaches naturally:
For some people getting rid of cockroaches at home is a daunting process, and tiresome too. Some homeowners make use of insecticides to get rid of cockroaches. While that might bring some permanent results, this can bring some harmful consequences for your family’s health where the pesticides are composed of some toxic chemicals in it.
Do regular or weekly cleaning:
Messy homes are most often getting attacked from these pests. Therefore you must carry out with daily cleaning of the home. You should make sure that your house is spotless from dirty food particles because cockroaches are attracted to food waste. You should wipe the counters each night and should wash all the dirty dishes in the sink. This is important! You also need to sweep the floor before going to bed. You should perform 15 minutes of cleaning to get the best results at the end of the day. This will eliminate the residue and the things that attract the cockroaches too.

What are they?
Cockroaches have been an insect pest for about four million years. There are more than 3,500 species around the world.
The German cockroach is one of the most common household cockroaches in the world. They are particularly fond of living in restaurants, food processing facilities, hotel rooms, and nursing homes. Although not very tolerant of the cold, this cockroach has been found in buildings as far north as Nunavut. Measuring about 1.3 cm to 1.6 cm (.51 to .63 inches) long, it is tan to light brown, with two dark parallel streaks running from the head to the base of the wings. Roaches have wings, but are unable to fly.
Should I be concerned?
Cockroaches rarely cause structural damage. They can, however, contaminate food and spread disease by walking over, and excreting on, food or food preparation areas after having travelled through garbage and/or sewers. People with asthma may have a negative reaction to their droppings (feces) and body parts.
How can I get rid of cockroaches?
Intensive cleaning measures and pesticides should be used jointly to control cockroaches. Pesticides alone will not be successful, since the living environment must be physically changed first.
Preventing access to food, water, and shelter, and keeping a clean home are important steps in preventing any pest infestation.